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Now and Then

Bill Slavin

001 Now-Then Bill Slavin - Then.JPG

Bryon and Tina Norrell

004 Now-Then Byron Norrell and Tina - Now.jpg
003 Now-Then Byron Norrell - Then.jpg

Doc and Wilma Balzotti

006 Now-Then Charles  (Doc) Balzotti and Wilma - Now copy.jpg
005 Now-Then Charles  (Doc) Balzotti - Then.jpg

Dave Jones and Jeri-Jill

008 Now-Then Dave Jones and Jeri-Jill copy.jpg
007 Now-Then Dave Jones - Then.jpg

Ed (Mac) McKeon

009 Now-Then Ed (Mac) McKeon - Then.jpg

JC and Carol Dowdle

012 Now-Then JC Dowdle and Carol - Now copy.jpg
011 Now-Then JC Dowdle - Then.JPG

Jim Soukup

016 Now-Then Jim (JJ) Soukup - Now copy.jpg
015 Now-Then Jim (JJ) Soukup -Then.jpg

Jim and Gayle Fronkier

018 Now-Then Jim Fronkier and Gayle - Now copy.jpg
017 Now-Then Jim Fronkier - Then copy.jpg

Pete and Becky Shryock

022 Now-Then Pete Shryock and Becky - Now copy.jpg

Richard and Polly Lounders

024 Now-Then Richard Lounders and Polly - Now.jpg
023 Now-Then Richard Lounders - Then.jpg

Jennifer and Robert Gaddy

026 Now-Then Robert Gaddy and Jennifer - Now copy.jpg
025 Now-Then Robert Gaddy - Then copy.jpg

Mr and Mrs Terry Applebee

030 Now-Then Terry Applebee - Now.jpg

Chris and Wayne Bauer

036 Now-Then Wayne Bauer and Chris - Now copy.jpg
035 Now-Then Wayne Bauer - Then copy.jpg

Janet and Jerry Bowels

038  Now-Then Jerry Bowles and Janet - Now copy.jpg
037  Now-Then Jerry Bowles - Then copy.jpg

Rudy Venegas

044 Now-Then Rudy Venegas - Now.JPG
043 Now-Then Rudy Venegas - Then.JPG

Val and Jim Smith

046 Now-Then Jim and Val Smith - Now.JPG
045 - Now-Then Jim_Smith - Now.JPG

Douglas Craig


Ian Johnston

ian then.jpg
ian now.jpeg
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